The Peeps

Josh Hensley
My Story
Uncle George once said to me at age 11, after using new wood needed for constructing a residential home, "You'll have to start your own business if you want to use wood to build a bookcase!" Wow… let's just say he was not happy about me fabricating something that wasn't on the architect's blueprints. He made his point; I needed to establish my own business. It was this experience along with many others that led me to launch HENS out of the COOP. I've had a desire to design and build as long as I can remember. I'm a self taught furniture designer and woodworker.

Early Bird or Night Owl
Hwhoooo!!!! Hwhoooo!!!!

Favorite Pair of Shoes
Worn out pair of Navy Canvas Era VANS

The 1st Thing Packed When Going on a Vacation
A Pillow…it's hard to find a good pillow out in vacation land

Guilty TV Pleasure
'Swamp People' on the History Channel

Childhood Memory
Organizing items on a new bookcase (See My Story)